Sunday, March 29, 2009

Twilight Party

So I love Twilight. I kinda feel like a 14 year old girl obsessed with it. It is a guilty pleasure that I am sadly not feeling guilty about yet.  I never read the books, but probably will now.  Which will be crazy because I have never been able to read a book after watching the movie. But this story line appeals to me big time. I know the movie has its shortcomings, Like the actress that plays Bella has this really annoying stuttering thing going on the whole movie.... I could do with out that. And you can tell it is not the most "Hollywood" of movies, but I think I like it that way better. I sill love it though.  

Anyway. I went to babysit my wonderful nieces and nephew this weekend. And because I had to find any excuse to watch the movie again I decided to have a Twilight party with them. 
It was FUN!!!! 

I let Benjamin, Ella and Maiya make a "B" and "E" out of pepperonis on two pizzas. One for Edward and one for Bella. And then we consumed them with the appetite of a vampire.

And of course we had to wear our Twilight pins to show our dedication!!!

The best part was......... We got to Twi-Dye t-shirts.  I have wanted to tye-dye.... oops I mean twi-dye for a while now, and it was fun to get the kids involved and do it with them. Here are the results. 

Ella's Shirt: It says "Edward + Bella"  "Twilight"

My Shirt says Twilight

Maiya's Shirt says Twilight as well. 

And Benjamin's says : "Team James"   "Twilight"
Of course Benjamin liked the "bad" vampires of the movie. His reaction at the end of the movie. 
" I like the baseball and the fight scene, but I could have done without all that talking." 

Maiya fell asleep pretty early in the film, but watched it will Ella the next morning. I think she like it. She was very concerned about Bella and the end, but seemed to zone out for most of the movie. 

Ella and I of course loved it, and think Edward is a major hottie!!! But all in all it was just great to spend time with my little children that call my sister mom. I have missed them while being away at school. 

Now I am just wondering how often Janie is gonna let them wear their shirts. I didn't get to see them on them before I had to leave because the words were still drying.  Hopefully I will see them soon. 

BTW: For any of you who care... or who love music or even Twilight for that matter: Robert Pattinson(who plays Edward) sings two of the songs on the soundtrack and they are amazing.  "Never think" is my favorite and the other is " Let me Sign" 

1 thoughts to despense:

Ashley the Great said...

That is so freakin precious. And completely sad on your part.

I still love you, and hold close to zero judgement towards you :)