Friday, January 23, 2009

I heart squirrels

yeah, I know they are not always the coolest animals. In VA they were everywhere and would eat the food out of the bird feeders, and usually end up breaking them. 


here in Arlington... the are cute.  I watched one for probably way too long while I was waiting for my last class to start.  They eat their nuts(hehe... no dirty thoughts) in a very corn on the cob like way, and they sit on the hind legs, while the munch with their little tiny hands.  

I guess since they have gotten used to sharing their home with a bunch of college kids they are not exactly scared of us.  The don't run, and I swear they stare at us too, so I don't feel too bad watching them eat. 

I actually saw two of them playing( or fighting) on a tree this morning as I walked to class, and it was funny to watch.  I honestly thought, at how when kids fight we grow annoyed and aggravated, but two squirrels on a tree it becomes an interesting dance that invokes a smile. 

maybe it is just me, but just made me realize how much I really do like my campus.  and the fact that is is 75degrees on a Jan afternoon here in TX!

3 thoughts to despense:

Sarah said...

be thankful you don't have classes tomorrow-- its not going to be 75 degrees :(

Anonymous said...

Must be nice to be in 75 degree weather -- I am freezing in VA...burrr

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who is going to point out that your blogging about squirrels? Come on now, seriously...

Squirrels Meg!